Tied fleece blanket

Tied fleece blanket

  • Two 50”x 60” pieces of fleece fabric (for standard-sized throw)
  • Pair of sharp scissors
  • 12 or more binder clips
  • Cardstock trimmed to 4”x4”
  • Cardstock trimmed to 1”x4” 
  • Ruler

Lay two pieces of fabric on top of each other evenly (with the wrong sides facing each other). Using a ruler, trim any excess fabric. Use binder clips to hold edges of fabric together, until cuts are made. Using the 4”x4” piece of cardstock as a guide, cut a 4” square out of each corner of the lined-up fabric.

Create fringe. Using the 1”x4” piece of cardstock as a guide, cut slits 4” deep every 1” on all sides of fabric. Tie the matching 4” slits into a double knot. Continue this all the way around the lined-up fabric until your blanket is complete.