
St. Vigilius of Trent

Feast Day: June 26

Vigilius of Trent was born in about 353 to patrician parents: Theodosius and Maxentia. Throughout his life, he was revered for sanctity and learning – and became friends with St. John Chrysostom when they were both studying in Athens. He is the author of the work, De Martyrio SS. Sisinnii, Martyrii et Alexandri.

His family was apparently quite holy, since his brothers Claudian and Magorian also are recognized as saints. 

In 380, Vigilius returned to Trent, where he was acclaimed as bishop. He vowed to end paganism in his diocese.

Vigilius evangelized tirelessly. When he was in the Rendena Valley with his brothers and another priest, Vigilius threw a statue of Saturn into the river. As a result, he was stoned to death. He is considered to be the first martyr to be canonized by a pope.