July August 2021

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Work Life   Me siento frustrado por un colega que le hace malos comentarios sobre mí a nuestra jefa.
Parenting   Put Down the Devices
The Church in the World   Intenciones de oración del Papa
Marriage Matters   HE SAYS: Let’s do online school again
Culture   Una simple recompensa para un buen hombre: El "milagro" del helado
Good Life   Pray for Prudence in a Hot Housing Market
In the Know With Father Joe   EN EL SABER CON EL PADRE JOE
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Respond to God’s Invitation!
Good Life   Ore por prudencia en un mercado inmobiliario loco
Work Life   I’m Frustrated by a Colleague Who Makes Offhanded Comments to Our Boss That Reflect Badly on Me
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   ¡Responda a la invitación de Dios!
Spiritual Fitness   The Miracle of the Transfiguration
Marriage Matters   Él dice: Hagamos la escuela en línea de nuevo.
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe, I have friends who don’t seem to be interested in returning to church since the quarantine ended. How do I convince them to come back?
Parenting   Dejen los dispositivos: reinicio de verano
Saint of the Month   St. Ignatius of Loyola
Saint of the Month   San Ignacio de Loyola: Fundador de la Compañía de Jesús
Culture   A Simple Reward for a Good Man
Spiritual Fitness   El milagro de la transfiguración
Theology 101   Who Was Pontius Pilate?
Theology 101   ¿Quién fue Poncio Pilato?
The Church in the World   Pope’s Prayer Intentions